Our friends the MacLennan’s had us over for breakfast the day we left Ithaca so here is our last (for now) pic of Norah and Graham together. They're both in jammiesWe stopped in Columbus our first night and then spent the next day in Loveland OH where Bryan went to high school. We stopped by his school to say hi to his old Physics teacher Mr. Wagner
My sister Emily was able to meet up with us for some playtime at a park, Skyline Chili and Graters ice cream. My camera battery died before I could take a picture of Bryan at Skyline which is a shame because it was definitely photo worthy. Adults were eating big bowls of chili with plastic bibs. BIBS people! I felt like I was in Pawnee ha ha. It was delicious though.
My little niece Evelyn loves babies. She just wanted to “take care” of Alice everywhere we went. It was very sweet.
After we parted ways with Emily we drove around and found Bryan’s old house and spent the night with some close Hicks family friends the Pearson’s. They were wonderful to us and really gave us a break from the road. They made us homemade cafĂ© rio, and their daughter Becca entertained Norah for us the entire time. It was great. Here is Alice petting Sammy
11 years ago
Great picture of Alice and the dog.
On my second look at this blog post I realized that there is a photo of Evelyn and Norah walking hand in hand. I didn't realize that was Evelyn at first because when I just saw her she had long hair. I can't believe how different she looks with shorter hair.
So EV wanted to go and see you right after we drove off and I said, Norah's moving to Texas. She replied, "I want to see cousin Norah Texas RIGHT NOW!"
My oh my I love seeing the pictures of these girls and how beautiful they all are. And that's too cute about Evelyn. I totally remembering going through that wanting to be a mommy stage. Isn't it funny how they want a baby when they're practically babies themselves!
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