Friday, June 29, 2012

The Big D

We have now been in Dallas for nearly a month and I have so many stories I just don’t where to begin. We’ve got a DMV story, a late moving truck story, a double ear infections story that sent Norah to the emergency room, a thrice broken fridge story, and most recently, a cock roach story. On top of all that, Bryan takes the bus to work so he pretty much brings home a good bus story daily.

Where to start? I think with thanking our friends Crystal and Dave Hunt who took us into their home for a whole week after we promised we’d stay just a night. We left their nice home to “move” into ours with what we had brought in our car but found the house to be uninhabitable due to impressive amounts of dog hair so we turned around went right back to the Hunt’s until the landlord could get it cleaned and do some repairs. They sheltered and fed us, guided and directed us, and let us mooch off of their Costco membership. To Crystal and Dave I say thank you.

We’ve had a string of house related problems since moving in but I think we have just about taken care of all them and are very close to feeling settled. I am still so glad we rented this house over an apartment and the location is great. It seems like we are only 15 to 20 minutes away from everything. We’ve joined a YMCA, the Dallas Zoo and the Museum of Nature and Science so we have some great hang outs to escape the heat. Speaking of the heat, it hasn’t been nearly as bad as I expected though I hear it will get much worse. It reminds me a lot of all the warnings we got to brace ourselves for the cold Ithaca winters. I keep thinking “this isn’t so bad” and I thought the same thing about Ithaca’s winters at first too. For now at least the heat is still a novelty that I’m enjoying.

Bryan LOVES his job and I do too. He tells me that a major part of his job is just staying current on tech news which he would do for free. He has great co-workers and a great boss and he is genuinely excited about his projects. Win! The best part of his job for me is that he leaves around 7:30 every morning and is back around 5:30. It is the best thing ever.

Well that is a solid update so now for a smattering of pictures:

These are from the zoo, obviously. Can you believe how close we got to these giraffes?IMG_9885IMG_9887IMG_9892


Hillary and Jonathan said...

Oh my goodness, you could almost touch those giraffes! That's awesome!

Kari said...

I can't wait to hear all those stories. And I love that smile!

Crystal said...

We have to get together again this week or something. And, of course, you're welcome!!! :) Having you guys so close is truly a dream come true. Not kidding.