Sunday, November 18, 2012

Alice Photo Shoot

Alice is almost one and, in my opinion, at the most beautiful and ephemeral stage of development. I think learning to walk has increased her confidence and curiosity and I can see her excitement when she makes discoveries. She shoots me glances that seem to say “did you know these pots were in here? And did you know they made this sound?!” or “did you just see me reach that, pull it off and shake it without falling? I’m so awesome!” She is delighted by everything and everyone. We were playing at a park the other day and a lady said to me “She is so cute. How do you stand it? Do you just film her all day long?” It really is such a conundrum - do you just savor the moment or try to document every second you can? I find that at the end of each day I regret not doing more of both. IMG_0754IMG_0758IMG_0764


kelsey ann said...

Cannot wait to squeeeeze her soon! Hopefully she will let me play with her!

Ashley said...

I totally agree with your description of the awe of discovery at this age. It's fantastic.

Cameron and Allison said...

Oh my goodness, she's so beautiful, Linds! I know how you feel-- I try to enjoy the moments but then I only remember the moments that I get on camera or video... so, do you enjoy the moment now or later? From what I can tell, you're doing a really amazing job with both.