Thursday, November 1, 2012


This year for Halloween Norah was a cow girl and Alice was a cow. We owe a special thank you to Bryan’s mom who made Norah’s costume and bought Alice’s. Despite her expression in this picture Norah was very excited to go trick or treating. I’m not sure why Alice was so excited but she was VERY excited. IMG_0673 We persuaded Norah to smile for the cameraIMG_0678I made Jack-o-lanterns with Norah during the day. We haven’t gotten around to carving pumpkins with her the last three Halloweens (her only Halloweens) and I wanted to make sure to do it this year. She has been pointing out every Halloween decoration she sees out her car window all month to me: “Look mom,  a spider” “I see two ghosts” “Look lots of Jack-o-lanterns at that house.” I kept waiting for a quiet evening when we could carve pumpkins with Bryan but no such evening came so after a month of procrastination we set to it as soon as she came home from preschool. IMG_0660She was a little frustrated that she didn’t get to hold the knife but she really enjoyed cleaning out the pumpkins. This pumpkin with two bottom teeth was inspired by Alice IMG_0318Norah went trick or treating with Harper and Willa in the fancy pants neighborhood of University Park. We were told that we’d moms sipping martini’s and dad’s with wine glasses while taking their kids around and we really did! If only I had a picture to prove it.IMG_0697


Sara said...

I LOVE THE COSTUMES!!! Alice is looking so grown up! we miss you guys!

Hillary and Jonathan said...

That second picture of the two of them together is great! Framer, I say.

Cameron and Allison said...

Isabelle and I just caught up on your blog and she won't let me stop! She loves your videos and pictures! Your kids are so so cute. Isabelle said "Let's go to there next year, mom." Wish we could!

Stacy said...

I love that Alice is totally cracking up in the first 2 pics. She is too cute! Love the costumes too!!

Ashley said...

It's so cute that they match!

natalie said...

haha yeah it really is a shame you didn't snap a picture of those parents! I can't get over how stinking cute your girls are. I love both of their costumes, especially Alice's with those utters.

Kari said...

I love their costumes! What a fun idea.