or Norah, Willa and Harper?The following pictures were all completely candid
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Alice is 10 Months
Alice is 10 months as of yesterday and it seems like every day she has a new trick. Just in this past week she has learned to stand up (as opposed to pulling herself up) and point. She has been pointing at her sister, food, and animals at the zoo. She has been waving when we leave or when someone else leaves for a while but now she is also waving “hello” when people come in a room and she is perfecting her timing so that people also see the wave (as opposed to waving bye bye to Daddy when he’s already out the door). Her bye-bye wave is often accompanied by a “baba” and it must be about the cutest thing in the world. And just today, I heard her say Mah-ma very clearly meaning me. She has said ma-ma a few other times but I haven’t been sure it was intentional. She has been saying Dada for a few weeks now – I’m not sure when that happened for the first time because it is just hard to know when we’re flattering ourselves but she definitely said Dada first, baba (bye bye) second and Mama third.
Last weekend we went to the arboretum to see the pumpkin village
Notice her pointing in this pictureAnd here is Alice at the arboretum again today – we go a lot
Friday, September 21, 2012
Look how happy we are on the monorail!
Farewell Summer . . . or not
These are from July 9th at a spray park
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Utah Part II: Salt Lake City
Saturday afternoon after a Café Rio fix we headed up to SLC to see family. We haven’t been to SLC since Norah was a wee babe so it was great to see family again.
Norah practiced her Spanish (she pretty much just knows the colors) with Great Grandpa Hicks She read stories with Aunt Leslie
and picked tomatoes from my Aunt Renee’s garden
Explored City Creek with Natalie
and walked around Temple Square
played in the Church History Museum
This is one of the few pictures where you can see Alice’s face
Alice wasn’t in many photos because she was so traumatized from me leaving her repeatedly that she wouldn’t let anyone hold her. That is, until at a Hyer family party we were all talking about how Alice wouldn’t let anyone hold her and my uncle Glen confidently said “ah, I bet she’ll let me hold her” and managed to not only hold her, but get a smile and walk into another room.
Before we left to return to Dallas on Tuesday, we made sure to get a 4 generations picture. When I visited SLC with Norah as a baby I took pictures of her with my grandma but I didn’t get one with me and mom grandma together. Alice was asleep in her car seat but at least she’s in the picture!