Friday, August 24, 2012

Double the Fun

There is a new development in our lives that I’ve neglected to blog about: There are twin 4 year old (soon to be 5) girls directly across the street that love to play with Norah and they are now a regular fixture in our home. I finally got around to asking their dad if he would be comfortable with me posting pictures of Harper and Willa on my blog and he was like “Yeah, sure, I’ve been putting pictures of your kid on FB – hope that’s alright” lol. So here are the twins:

I’ve yet to get a really good picture of all three of them because they are never all holding still – or even not talking – at once. We get a LOT of use out of our dress ups.


I’m honestly not sure which twin this is IMG_0135These girls just run over to our house as soon as their dad opens up the door of their van and Norah is always so excited to see themIMG_0093

I love these girls as much as Norah does but I’m not gonna lie, it is CRAZY here when all three of them are together so Bryan instituted a rule that they have to stay in the playroom when they come over with the door shut. The playroom is sort of a patio turned into a room so those French doors are actually exterior doors which is great because we can hardly hear them in there. When it is bedtime they have to put away all the toys (ALL of them, because ALL of them were dumped out lol) and it is no big deal. We have even managed to watch an episode of Parks and Rec now and then while they are in there. They always beg to have Alice come play with them but they want to put her in the doll crib and stroller and so on and it is just not safe for obvious reasons so Alice just has to look in on them through the doors.IMG_0137If you look closely at this picture you can see that Norah and one of the twins are both wearing homemade smocked dresses – they are from our next door neighbor who doesn’t have her grandkids nearby so she has adopted the neighborhood kids as her own. We have great neighbors.IMG_0141


natalie said...

Those girls couldn't be any more adorable. Plus their names, Harper and Willa are just too classy. I am so happy that Norah has such good friends nearby and that you have neighbors like that. Also, I can totally relate to how Alice must feel. I remember feeling that way when you and Miranda would play in your room when I was a kid... but I think I was shut out not for safety reasons but because I was incredibly annoying haha

Ashley said...

How awesome that you have kids in your neighborhood. And how doubly awesome that you have a playroom. Sometimes more space makes a big difference. (Aren't you glad you don't live in a 1,000 square foot apartment?)

Ashley said...

P.S. Alice reminds me of Louis so much(because of her age) that it makes me want to go pick up Louis at day care when I see picture of Alice.