Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Norah’s Pecking Order: Mama, Daddy, Elmo

This is a post I’ve been meaning to do for a while. We have so much trouble getting Norah to bed that we indulge her in some (of her many) ridiculous demands.  We’ve said no to many and even put limits on how many books and stuffed animals may accompany her to her crib – but we still sit in her room while she falls asleep. I know it sounds like one of those situations where we just need to bite the bullet – but trust me we’ve come a long way – this really is progress. We try to be tough but her will always outlasts our resolve, so night after night one of us sits in her room waiting the 30+ minutes it takes for her to finally drift off to sleep. Then after a good 10 minutes or so of what sounds like a sleeping Norah, we tip toe out only to hear her sit up and say “chair” commanding us back to our post. I know, I know, it is insane and we seriously do this for over an hour at least half the time. I usually sit in there with her for the first shift but after I get too frustrated from my failed attempts to tip toe out I send in Bryan. Sometimes this is okay with her and sometimes it isn’t. Lately Bryan has been negotiating with her telling her she can either have him sit in the room with her or no one. If she still cries then he leaves. Usually at this point we discuss whether we should just make her tough it out and we always at least try. While we wait Norah cries for me until she finally gives up and then cries “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy” and when she gives up on him she starts to cry “Elmo, Elmo, Elmo” and then she completely loses it. This is very frustrating for us but I can’t help but laugh when she starts crying for Elmo to save her. Tonight hasn’t been a great night, but it hasn’t been a record breaking bad night either. We put Norah to bed a little after 8 and I snuck out at 8:45 only to get caught. Bryan was in there for another 20 minutes or so and she has been crying in her crib alone for about 40 minutes. It is almost 10 pm!! Poor stubborn Norah. I wish I could share my love of sleep with her.


Julie said...

ha ha. Oh man. I can't tell you the number of times I've hit the floor when I went in to peek on a kid and their head pops up out of the crib. Its a real bummer when that happens. Funny that we all have different challenges with kids. Mine both put themselves to sleep at night so easy, but both wake up WAY too early. ha.

Ashley said...

I think your post is hilarious, but at the same time I feel very sorry for Norah. How sad to realize that Elmo won't come and save her. Unless... have you considered purchasing a very large Elmo doll to leave in the chair with her at night?

Tahri and Kehau said...

Oh my gosh I know the pain, I'm like why don't you guys love sleep as much as I do? ha! So if she cries for Elmo have you tried putting Elmo in the chair to take his shift?

Lindsey Hicks said...

We do have a small Elmo doll that we have put in her crib before but she doesn't seem content with him. I think she needs Kevin Clash.

kel said...

Linds, i feel your pain. there is nothing that wracks the nerves of parents more than a crying-screaming child at night. i'm cringing. i'm so sorry to read that you're in deep!

if this post was not only to vent but also to seek tips... my saving grace was the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". if you haven't read it, give it a try. they have help for parents with kids of all ages. best of luck!

Janelle Dobson said...

Oh how sad for all of you. I'm a big fan of crying it out. It makes for a few really lousy nights, but it always works. The older the kid is the tougher it is, but its worth a try. If you want a more gentle approach I've heard of something called the "tape" method. You put 4 different lines of tape on the floor- one where the door is all the way open, another when the door is 75% open, 50% open, 25%. Every time your child demands you attention you meet the demand, but then shut the door to the next lowest degree. Once the door is all the way shut she has run out of chances. I've never tried it myself, but I know of those who have and it worked for them. Hope you find a solution that works for you!

Ehales said...

At least she's cute right? Always hang on to that :)

jo said...

Linds, you guys are champs. I know what you mean when you say, "this is progress" and I believe you. I'll keep sending happy sleeping vibes your way, and in the meantime, I'll enjoy your witty posts. And know that you have a friend in the "please sleep, dear child" business.