Thursday, April 14, 2011

Norah Feeds Geese

Just when I think we are running out of “firsts” for Norah to experience I think of a few more. It occurred to me the other day that she had never fed ducks. Monday was an exceptionally warm day so Bryan took most of it off (because a warm day here is like holiday that needs to be observed) and we headed down to feed ducks at Cayuga Lake. The ducks were too intimidated by the geese to stick around so we mostly fed geese. I was a little disappointed by this because it seemed unfair and I felt like we were rewarding the bullies, but Norah didn’t mind and had a fabulous time throwing generous handfuls of bread at them.

We started out with just a few IMG_7120IMG_7123But eventually the word got out and we had quite the crowdIMG_7124


Lorraine said...

This reminded me of you & your sisters feeding the ducks at Burba Lake

jo said...

Those geese bullies are the worst. But I'm glad Norah's first "duck" feeding was a success! And I'm going to adopt your "warm day = holiday" mentality. We need a warm day around here.

MLE Whatz said...

I think all waterfowl deserve bread once in a while although at Mike's old school they tried to evict 2 Canada geese that were harassing the students and it was quite a challenge. Soon there will be ducklings and goslings out - so cute.