Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy and Sad

Norah’s language improved dramatically over winter break.  She easily doubled her vocabulary and it seems like she learns at least one new word every day.  Two relatively recent additions to her word bank are happy and sad.  The first time she said sad was when we were on the plane another child was crying.  Norah kept pointing and saying “sad.”  Now when Norah doesn’t get her way, in addition to crying, she tells us she is sad – just to make sure we understand that we are ruining her life by not giving her fruit snacks for breakfast.  Fortunately she is just as apt to tell us that she is happy and Norah is very good about appreciating the simple things in life – like popcorn, flexible straws, and singing songs.  Lately Bryan has been working long hours to meet a deadline and hasn’t been home before Norah’s bedtime.  That has made her “sad” but tonight Bryan came home in time for dinner and Norah was so excited that she exclaimed “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy back Daddy back”  and then “happy happy happy happy happy.”  She was so loud everyone in the dining room heard her.  She loves her daddy very much.   


Here are some unrelated pictures:IMG_6929IMG_6931


Kali said...

that is SO cute. Maddie says a bunch of words but I think she only understands half of what she is saying. It will be fun when she gets to the point when she is really talking to us.

Lindsey said...

Norah is so funny. I love reading all the stories you write about her. We are so excited to have her back for play dates!

Ashley Bybee Stepp said...

LOL! Xan's nephew learned the phrase, "Mommy, you hurt my feelings." with HUGE puppy eyes whenever she disciplines him for doing something wrong... got to love toddlers learning manipulation. :)

Hillary and Jonathan said...

That is one sweet girl! It's always so fun when they're excited to see you!