Sunday, June 13, 2010

Story Time

This picture is of Norah on her birthday at the Library’s story time.  I almost didn’t take her because I was getting ready for her party but I kept thinking that if Norah could tell me what she wanted to do for her first birthday she’d say “Story Time.”  Norah has loved going to story time.  Her friend Lincoln invited her to go with him way back in March and we’ve been regulars since.   There are always great books, songs and puppets that the babies are welcome to touch.  At the end the Librarian brings out toys for the kids to play with.  Lincoln isn’t in this picture because he had already left for his summer internship with the Brooklyn Story Time program.  We have both missed story time (and Lincoln!) since her birthday (it was the last one for the season) but fortunately “Story Time in the Park” starts this Tuesday at the Farmer’s Market.



Hillary and Jonathan said...

We miss story time with you guys! Enjoy it in the park!

natalie said...

What a cool activity the library provides. That's so cute, and sounds like fun!