Sunday, June 13, 2010

Date at Buttermilk

Bryan and I have been terrible about going on dates since we had Norah.  It is a strange thing to have to think about trying to date because we never had to before Norah.  We were always together often doing really fun things.  I don’t know that I ever considered hiking with Bryan a date before – it was just a Saturday morning.   We went to see Avatar for Bryan’s birthday back in February but we hadn’t gone on a real date since.  We have resolved to do better but Norah is complicating things by not sleeping these days.  We started trying to sleep train her and things have only gotten worse so far.  She is waking up 2-4 times a night and bedtime is a battle that we can’t subject anyone else too.  We finally decided that if we were going to have a relaxing date it would have to be in the morning when Norah is at her best so we hired a baby sitter (a fabulous Phi who has been featured in previous posts) to come a little before 8 am on a Saturday.  It was a huge success.  We had a great time and we barely thought of Norah the entire time.  Norah had a great time too and didn’t cry at all.  The rest of the day was kind of rotten because Norah wouldn’t take a nap (we tried everything – even a car ride) and basically cried for 4 hours from being over tired but at least we all had a wonderful morning.  Bryan and I were so relaxed and rejuvenated from the break that we were able to have patience.  I think we’ll definitely be visiting the gorges on a lot of dates this summer.  Ithaca really is gorges and we want to take full advantage of it while we’re here.  IMG_0613IMG_0594IMG_0635   IMG_0622

1 comment:

natalie said...

you guys both look great in these photos!