Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sleep Study

No one in our little family has been getting enough sleep lately.  I won’t name names but one of us has been staying up too late, waking up too early and getting hungry around 2 am.  On the bright side naps suddenly doubled in length to a glorious 90 minutes each.  I’ve been pouring over all of my child health books (not that this person is necessarily a child) trying to diagnose the problem.  Norah was kind enough to help.  One author postulates that naptime needs to be longer in order to improve night sleep – we’re thinking that isn’t the case here.  Another author suggests it is time to drop the morning nap.  We are currently in the testing  phase of the second theory, however, we are still exploring other options and open to suggestions.



Crystal said...

Cute picture. :) I have no advice. I've learned that I know nothing whatsoever about parenting. Nothing. I'm just wingin it. Might as well be a first-timer. I think I'm lucky so far though. How is that book she's got there, by the way? I haven't read it. Post soon how your latest strategy goes. I'm really curious.

Maranda said...

Well I don't have personal experience but I remember my mom said Jackson would wake up to eat every night. When the pediatrician said he didn't need to eat at night she quit feeding him and he eventually quit waking up. The dr said my mom was training him to wake up by feeding him. Maybe this will help.

kel said...

hey we're fans of that book too! i'm sorry to hear about your sleep deprivation. that is never any good of anyone. sleep is sacred.

of course you will do what you feel is best, but i'd agree with the previous poster and suggest no more night time feedings. it'll take a few nights - maybe even three - of crying but after that, she should sleep through the night. if you want to discuss further, you know where to find me. :) best of luck!

Lindsey Hicks said...

Thanks guys. I'm sure you're right. It is just so hard to listen to the crying. I wish there were an easier way. Maybe I need to pick up some ear plugs:)

Adam and Rachel said...

I hate to say it, but Ike (my 2 1/2 year old) just starting waking up again every night. No idea why! I blame the birds outside his window, starting their ridiculously cheerful singing at 4:30 am! I wish everyone could sleep as good as me! I

natalie said...

Lindsey, I think you're right, Bryan isn't necessarily a child. Maybe you should be reading sleep books about his age group?

(P.S. If I guessed the wrong family member you can't hold it against me-- I warned you I was bad at multiple choice. If I had room for an essay I'm sure I could convince you that Bryan is eating at 2am and taking 90 min naps when he should be working on lasers.)