Saturday, April 10, 2010


Easter weekend was warm and beautiful.  It was so sunny I had a hard time getting a decent picture of Norah with her basket – not that I’m complaining. 



Maranda said...

She is soo cute, I love all your pictures! And I really love that you include pictures of you and your hubby too. Some people only do pictures of their kids and I miss seeing my friend's faces too, so thanks! You're beautiful! :)

Stacia said...

You can't get more classic that "Pat the Bunny". I love her little Easter get-up with that tuft of red hair, too. Which magazine did you steal her from?

Tiffany said...

Lindsey, as always, you look wonderful and Norah is such a little doll! I would love to meet up with you guys. Now that we are not separated by arctic tundra, let's find a time to get together. Also, if you guys need someone to watch her while you go to the temple, let me know.