Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cornell Vet School Open House

The Vet school at Cornell hosts an annual open house with cool exhibits and lots and lots of animals.  It was a baby’s touch-and-feel book fantasy come alive.  Norah heard about the event from her friend Lincoln who is a touch-and-feel enthusiast.  Lincoln was much more daring with the animals than Norah (he was probably trying to impress her) and even squeezed a big snake.  After we had petted many animals and thoroughly washed our hands, we headed over to the Cornell Dairy Bar for ice cream.  Norah cuddled up to Hillary and was rewarded with a generous amount of ice cream.

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Hillary and Jonathan said...

There's a whole slew of posts just like this on everyone's blogs today... (including mine!) Please send me a copy of those pictures!

brooke said...

thats awesome that you guys were there too, i would have this same post as well, but went alone with the two boys and forgot my camera.
better off, i did not have a free hand to take a picture, much less fight off all the people to actually get just eli in the frame.

jo said...

she is so cute, linds. so who does she look more like as a baby one? Do you guys both have baby photos that you compare her to? I'd be curious to know. She's just darling.

natalie said...

What a fun day! I love the Norah-Lincoln friendship. What a convenience that you just happen to get along well with Lincoln's parents :)