Sunday, November 1, 2009

Red Hot Chili Pepper

Norah was a chili pepper for Halloween. She was very patient but she didn't really enjoy having her legs merged in the pepper.  She looked adorable and we enjoyed parading her around Friday and Saturday at parties. We tried to be respectful and only made her wear the costume long enough for some photo ops at our branch social and even came home on time for bedtime. However, when we returned to Alpha Phi and saw all 40 of the Phis in their matching red baseball costumes complete with bats we just had to get one more picture of Norah with her "big sisters." Bryan quickly put Norah back in her pepper but when he brought her out all 40 of the Phis squealed at once and frightened the little pepper to tears.

Here is Norah Friday night with some Phis


Bryan and Norah at the Branch Halloween Party



Hillary and Jonathan said...

I love the new title! Good for you guys, giving up the charade!

natalie said...

Too cute! I love how beautiful your baby is. My friends and coworkers all love her! They're like "how's Norah?" haha. My coworker loved the hot chilli pepper costume (and so do I.

Leslie said...

She is adorable! love the pepper costume, and I love the "big sisters". I'm sure you are loving your RA job with all those fun college kids. Probably feels a little like you're right back in college with them, oh . . . except that if you're anything like me, you pretty much go to bed when the baby does so you don't miss a second of sleep! Anyway, adorable! Hope life is going well!

Stacia said...

Yoo Halloo! Saw that you had a blog from Facebook and we're so excited to catch up with you guys! We're not too far from you so maybe we can get together for a weekend or something. Norah is adorable!!!!

Diane said...

Lindsey, What a cute chili pepper! Looks like you had a super fun Halloween! I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Diane Dalton