Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center


Ok, last post from our weekend in Glen Rose. Before heading home we visited the Wildlife Refuge. It wasn’t what I expected - you drive along a loop at about 10 miles per hour through the park tossing animal food out the window. The animals are accustomed to this which led to some uncomfortably close encounters.IMG 5315 I don’t love seeing wildlife interacting so unnaturally with people but it was an unforgettable experience and the kids loved it. Freya was squealing and pointing her little heart out. Also, it went on for-ev-er. Oh my goodness. There were so many different types of African grassland animals (I honestly think there were 6 different types of Oryx) that towards the end they all started looking the same. Except for the Zebras and giraffes - they stood out.

IMG 5316This was an exciting moment

IMG 5300

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