Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Norah in July

Norah has been riding her bike on the trail around White Rock Lake every Saturday. We go pretty early in the morning and there are bikers everywhere but very few children (maybe other kids sleep in?) so Norah on her bike is a novelty and attracts lots of attention. She gets a steady flow of comments like “looking good” and “way to go, keep pedaling” and she was even told once that someday she’d “win the tour de France” to which said “there’s an Eiffel tower on my bike.”

Here she is exhausted after a long rideIMG_2124Norah also started taking swim lessons this month. Her teacher is “lifeguard Laney” and it took 8 lessons to get Norah to put her head under the water.IMG_2134Norah is now repeating the courseIMG_1626We’ve been doing a lot of repainting this month and Norah enjoyed helping. We finished painting the living room and family room but the playroom still looks pretty much how it does in this picture. We’ll get to it eventually.IMG_1611 Norah has also had a slew of fun birthday parties to attend – she went to 4 this month!


Hillary and Jonathan said...

We've totally dropped the swimming lesson ball. And the buy Lincoln an actual bike ball. You guys rock.

DB said...

Has Norah grown since her birthday? She looks bigger in relation to the bike.