Thursday, July 18, 2013

4th of July with the Watts

After the parade we went home and got ready for our BBQ with Emily, Mike and Evelyn. We have a 4th bedroom in this house so we invested in a guest bed in the hopes that we’d attract more visitors and they were the first to try it out.

Oh the simple pleasures of childhood!IMG_2076IMG_2081 The popsicles led to a bathIMG_2091 Bryan had to work on Friday but on Saturday we all went to the Dallas ZooIMG_2106 We saw lots of animalsIMG_2110 We fit 3 kids on the sit and standIMG_2115 And we rode on the monorail. It was fun having the Watts visit and we look forward to seeing more them.


Brett and Sydnie said...

I did not even recognize Alice! What a big girl!

Ashley said...

I love seeing these three girls together!