Friday, May 31, 2013

Alice in May

Alice has been working on learning her animal sounds. Her favorite animal sounds to make are “woof woof” for dogs and a sort of trumpet sound with some arm action for elephants. She has a few animal sound books that she loves but she also picks out a random assortment of books that eventually have an elephant or a dog on a page so she can stop the story and make that sound. One example of this Dr. Seuss’s Oh the Thinks You Can Think which has the line “How much water do 55 elephants drink.” I had no idea how many of our books had cameo appearances by elephants till Alice pointed them all out to me. She also likes to find the mouse in Goodnight Moon which brings back sweet memories of Norah.

Another skill Alice worked on and mastered in May was jumping.

Alice had her 18 month visit with her pediatrician and she is meeting all her milestones. She is 31 3/4 inches tall and weighs 26.3 pounds.


Hillary and Jonathan said...

I've noticed Conan working on this too, although he hasn't mastered it yet. Way to go, Alice!

Ashley said...

Very impressive! (no jumping from Louis yet.) I love how entertained she is by her new skill.

Unknown said...

so impressed by that jumping! Evette makes it all the way to her toes but hasn't left the ground yet lol