I was reflecting on this month and trying to think about what Norahisms stuck out to me and the first thing I that came to mind was Madeline. Towards the end of January I found a copy of the complete Tale’s of Madeline at a used book store and gave it to Norah. She has been captivated with Madeline since. We usually read one Madeline story, if not two, before bedtime. Norah reminds me a lot of Madeline so it doesn’t surprise me that she identifies with the feisty, little character.
Another book that Norah loves is Chester’s Way. One evening she asked if we could make the toast in the book but it was bedtime so I said it would have to wait for the morning. Bryan got up with her in the morning and the first thing she said was that she wanted to make Chester’s toast and went and got the book and showed him the picture. She doesn’t forget anything, ever.
Norah continues to diligently work on coloring, cutting, stringing beads, and other fine motor skills. This month she learned how to write her name and even sent Valentines to her grandparents with their names on them. It was a lot of work for her but she was so excited to send them and even more excited to get the phone calls from her recipients.
Bryan went out of town for four days last week and when he came back we went to the “Texas Town” at the Arboretum. Norah really missed him and asked him a lot of questions when he came back about why he had to work. He gave her several practical reasons like paying the rent and keeping our house warm and she said “but Daddy, our house isn’t that warm.” Ha! We keep our house at 70 degrees but I guess we might need to turn it up or add an extra blanket to her bed.
Norah is getting more patient and more willing to play with Alice all the time.
11 years ago
Cant believe how big she looks. She's lost her toddler look and is definitely a preschooler! So cute!! Thanks for posting, I love to read the updates!
I saw that first picture of you and Norah and thought, "Oh no, what happened to Norah's arm?!" Then I scrolled down and saw it was just a heart tattoo. Haha
Would Norah like more fine-motor-skill-toys for her upcoming birthday??
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