Friday, February 10, 2012

Just Because

We haven’t been up to a lot lately because everyone is sick right now (thank you YMCA childcare) so this post is just because there are grandparents out there who like pictures.
Notice that Norah’s sleeves are pushed up on her jammies – she cannot stand to have sleeves past her elbows lately. No matter how tight her jammy shirts are the first thing she does is push up those sleeves.IMG_8815Being sick hasn’t stopped Alice from hanging out at the gym. She is so smiley. IMG_8809IMG_8821IMG_8822


Tahri and Kehau said...

So cute, Tale went through one of those phases too, but with like everything that had sleeves even his jackets.

Hillary and Jonathan said...

Those girls are so cute! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

MLE Whatz said...

Norah's peek-a-boo is so cute - I want to hold Alice!