Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ice Skating

We went ice skating with our friends the MacLennan’s this Saturday. Norah had some cold feet before she hit the rinkIMG_8917But she quickly recovered and had a great timeIMG_8921IMG_8943She even skated without holding Bryan’s hand for a few secondsIMG_8971Oh Norah and Graham! They keep us on our toes. And then we have little Alice just sleeping in the corner.IMG_9005IMG_9010


Hillary and Jonathan said...

Some of us still aren't coordinated enough to venture out on ice skates at 27... bravo to Norah and Graham for trying it at 2!

MLE Whatz said...

you guys look great- neat tile work at the rink!

natalie said...

That looks so fun! I love Norah's little Valentine's day stockings. Also, where did you get that cute scarf?

Julie said...

Oh my gosh how fun!!

Joe Vogel said...

You look amazing, Linds!

Joe Vogel said...

That's from Tiff--not Joe! :)