Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bryan’s 28th Birthday

Last year we went all out for Bryan’s birthday: surprise party, piñata the works – but I didn’t take any pictures. Bryan couldn’t even remember what we did last year to celebrate which just goes to show that if you don’t take a picture and blog about it, it didn’t happen. This year was much more low key but better documented.

Here is the the birthday nymph doing a special birthday dance around the apartment for good luckIMG_8827The birthday breakfast table pre-French toast and cake. Bryan made his own birthday breakfast while I finished up the cake. Lets be honest – even if the cake had been done he would likely have made breakfast because he does all things breakfast just as he does all things grilled IMG_8834We wanted to have some people over to celebrate but it was tough deciding who we were willing to risk getting sick. In the end we decided that we didn’t mind if these people got sick and it turned out that they felt the same about us because they were already sick. Stacy’s birthday is tomorrow so we were also celebrating her – sigh – we love Stacy. What would we do without her? Notice the mini lint rollers on the table. They were a birthday present that Norah couldn’t resist opening. She must have been so disappointed.IMG_8835Bryan with his carrot cakeIMG_8839

Norah was very impressed when Bryan blew out all 8 candles and told him “good job.”


Crystal said...

Bummer about no pictures from last years party! And it's totally true. I do that more and more often every year. :( As if you hadn't noticed my lack of blog posts lately, and pretty much none from this last Christmas.

Happy Birthday, Bryan!

Ashley said...

Happy Birthday Bryan!!

Hillary and Jonathan said...

I can't believe he didn't remember! He must be getting old... Happy Birthday, Bryan!

Sara said...

Happy Birthday Bryan. That carrot cake looks divine. That is my favorite kind of cake.

Julie said...

haha! happy birthday Bryan! That carrot cake looks good, did you make it?? We miss you guys!

MLE Whatz said...

What goes around comes around - when you say "good job" to Norah she learns it and says it back - it is cuter when she says it though

natalie said...

What a fantastic dinner. That carrot cake looks delicious, especially with those almonds. It's fun to see those spode plates on your table too. Happy Birthday Bryan.