Thursday, May 26, 2011

Today is Norah’s Birthday

Our little bean is 2 today. I love this little girl and I love getting to know her. She is full of energy and personality and she makes me laugh every day.
Some of Norah’s favorites at age 2:
Norah loves to jump. She jumps everywhere she goes and loves to announce “Ready, Set, Go” before taking a particularly big jump.
Norah’s favorite fruits are oranges and strawberries and other favorite foods include eggs, rice, and noodles
She still loves Elmo
Her preferred color seems to be red
Her favorite thing to do at a park is swing. She can swing forever.
Random Cute things Norah does at age 2:
She always asks me if I’m okay when I sneeze or cough “Okay? Okay Mama?” 
Norah gets super excited whenever she sees her friends at the park. She says “yay, yay (name of friend)” and then runs laughing towards them
As soon as we take her out of the bath she runs around the apartment and laughing as Bryan chases her
She is very polite and says “Thanks, Thank you or Thank you mm much” for every little thing we do for her. Our manners however are sometimes remiss and we neglect to say “your welcome.” When we forget, Norah tilts her head and says “welcome” just like she is a teacher correcting us.
She frequently requests us to “carry you,” “hold you” or “help you”
Here she is with her new Trike from Grandpa and Grandma Brooks. IMG_7209She was very busy and very serious when I tried to take these pictures. I couldn’t get any smiles out of her.IMG_7222IMG_7221


Tahri and Kehau said...

Happy Birthday Norah!!! You are such a cutie!!!

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Norah!!! We love you so much. Glad we got to know you guys so well. I hate that we have to move :(

Christy said...

Happy Birthday, Norah!!

I can't help but remember Norah's birthday last year and how my tire fell off my car on my way to her birthday party.

h.v. said...

happy birthday norah! she's absolutely gorgeous...can't wait for the next one.

Ashley said...

What a sweet blog post and sweet pictures. I can't wait to see my cute 2 year old niece this summer.

Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday Norah! We are so sad that we are not there to celebrate with you! Graham definitely misses his friend, Nonah!

jo said...

Happy Birthday to that little one. I love that her outfit matches her new ride. So darling.

MLE Whatz said...

Happy B-day Norah - Enjoy your Terrific Twos!