Monday, May 9, 2011


Bryan was invited to present a paper at the SPIE conference in Orlando this year on April 25th. The conference was held at the Orlando Marriot World Center and it had some beautiful pools so Norah and I took advantage of the free room and went along with him. We just had 2 and a half days but it was enough time to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine, good Cuban food, and a stroll through Down Town Disney. We decided to not take Norah to Disney World after hearing about horrendous Easter/Spring Break crowds from other parents hanging around the kiddie pool. I don’t think Norah could have possibly enjoyed anything more than she enjoyed the pool anyway. She asked me to take her to the pool every day for a week after we got home and I had to hide her swimsuit and flip flops from her to keep her from getting her hopes up. IMG_0034

1 comment:

Tahri and Kehau said...

Oh man how I would love to go to the pool, or have some warm weather! She looks so cute knocked out at the pool.