Friday, July 17, 2009

Art from the Lab

I was given a more artistic assignment at work last week. My professor wanted to include a picture of the prism we are using in our experiment in his presentation and show that it just an average size and not anything fancy or involved. It is amazingly difficult to photograph glass it turns out. So I got on google and figured out how to photograph glass. I rigged up this setup in the lab and then I got the photo underneath out of it. I am so proud of it I'm going to frame it and put it in my office. I guess I'll put a picture of Norah in there too.

This is the setup you can see that it is lit with diffuse light from the bottom and the side.

And here's the photo that I'm, oh so proud of!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Brian, that is one HUGE ruler you got!