Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Yellowstone: Geyser Basins

IMG_4798It rained most of Saturday night and the temperature dropped down to the 30s so we were chilly. Norah went to bed in long johns underneath sweats and then slept completely under the quilts. I checked on her a few times in the night to make sure she could breath. Freya insisted on sleeping between Bryan and I and we were happy to have her as our own little heater. When the girls woke up in the morning we managed to fit all three of them with us on our queen size air mattress and snuggled together for warmth. We discovered that morning that Alice radiates heat like an electric blanket and we all took turns benefiting from her warmth. Spooning Norah on the other hand only sucked the heat away from you. IMG_4808It rained really hard all morning and unfortunately I didn't pack their rain jackets so we headed to the gift shop and bought the only rain gear option they had. The girls attracted a lot of attention in these matching jackets.IMG_4824 IMG_4833These little girls walked so far. We walked around the loop of geysers near old faithful, then drove to the black sand basin to see sunset lake and the emerald pool. The map we were looking at made it look like it was equidistant to walk from there over to castle and grand geyser vs driving back to Old Faithful and walking to Grand. We were definitely mislead by that map and we think the girls walked three miles! By the time we realized how long of a walk it was going to be it was too late to turn back so we motivated Alice to keep walking by rewarding her with one gummy every time she reached a new geothermal feature. It was a beautiful trail though and we escaped the  crowds and saw some beautiful crystal blue pools and steaming geysers all by ourselves.

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