Sunday, August 23, 2015

Freya at the Beach

There is just something about a baby on a beach. Freya loved her first trip to the sea side. She spent a good part of the first morning tasting sand and then moved on to picking up sea shells, licking them and then chucking them over her shoulder. She loved walking into the water and waiting for the gentle waves to hit her. Freya also greatly enjoyed being held in the water and feeling bigger waves lift her up and down. Another favorite pass time was petting dogs. There were so many adorable dogs this trip! And Freya petted them all. IMG_4355 IMG_4359A baby with gogglesIMG_4387A close up of babyIMG_4389Baby with goggles reprised. I know these pictures are nearly identical but I couldn’t decide which to choose.IMG_4393 Freya, being the perfect baby she is, napped every day at the beach.IMG_4408My favorite photo of Freya from the weekIMG_4433Every year it seems like Bryan and I run into a few families over and over again at the beach. We talked to the family of this little dog almost every day. They had two teenaged daughters and reminisced about when their girls were little at the beach. I told Bryan someday we would be a family with teenaged daughters and a fluffy little hypoallergenic dog. He said “We are never getting a dog” IMG_4404 IMG_4461 IMG_4452IMG_4378IMG_4441 Actually I think this is my favorite picture of Freya from the weekIMG_4537IMG_4538

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