Saturday, September 14, 2013


We go to the zoo pretty regularly so I hardly ever bother to take pictures anymore but when we went with Bryan it felt a little more special. This is such a great time of year in Dallas. We packed a picnic and had a great day.IMG_2603Something I really enjoy about the Dallas Zoo is that the elephants, zebras, ostriches, impalas and sometimes the giraffes all share the same habitat. You can read about it here: They are the first zoo in the US and the only the second in the world to do this. It’s pretty amazing and definitely my favorite area of the zoo. You can see a zebra and elephants in this picture.IMG_2604These girls had already played hard at the park this morning so we spent a lot of time in the comfy chairs at “base camp” watching the elephants and ostrichesIMG_2605 We even got to see the Ostriches strut down to take a bath.IMG_2610

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