Friday, October 12, 2012

Fort Worth Stockyards

Last weekend my parents came out for a visit and we went to Fort Worth to see the stockyards which is a historic section of the city. IMG_0507They say that Dallas is the end of the east and Fort Worth is where the West begins and after visiting this past weekend I have found that statement to be accurate. Dallas really feels like any other big city to me but Fort Worth is what I imagined Texas being like and the stockyards were like a cartoon version of how I pictured Texas.IMG_0511The main attraction at the stockyards is the cattle drive down East Exchange avenue and while we waited Norah was able to visit with real cow boys. IMG_0464They were all very friendly and let Norah pet their horses and complemented her on her cow girl boots and there was even a real cow GIRL (pictured below) for Norah to meetIMG_0462Norah was also treated to a pony ride on “Blackie”IMG_0478

IMG_0488Norah had a great view of the cattle driveIMG_0495This is what she sawIMG_0497It was pretty anticlimactic. Police officers were walking around making sure everyone was safely on the sidewalk so I thought things were going to get pretty exciting and expected the cattle to run down the street with the cowboys whipping them but it was a very leisurely stroll. Alice was a little disappointed too.IMG_0489But overall she had a great timeIMG_0502


Ashley said...

How often do they do the cattle drive? It looks like you guys had a great time (despite the temperatures.)

Brett and Sydnie said...

Your family picture second from the top is adorable! Little Alice's dimple is to die for!

Hillary and Jonathan said...

OH my goodness, you got so many good pictures this day! I also love that family picture!