Friday, October 12, 2012

Dallas World Aquarium

My sister Emily and her daughter Evelyn drove over from Shreveport LA last weekend so my parents could see both of us. Last weekend was really cold by Dallas standards and after shivering at the stockyards we were ready for an indoor activity so we headed to the Aquarium. IMG_0522Evie and Norah are just two months apart so they make great companions and quickly declared themselves best friends. It was so sweet to watch them play together – even if there was a little bit of this at timesIMG_0515Evelyn LOVES babies and was very interested in baby Alice. She wanted to tickle her and give her kisses and talk to her every chance she got. I love how even in this group photo Evie is interacting with Alice.IMG_0544This picture is from the next day before Emily and Evelyn had to leave. I wanted to get a picture of my mom with her granddaughters and I could manage to get a single one of them to look a the camera! Not one – good grief!IMG_0568

1 comment:

Sara said...

you look freaking awesome. I need your pants.
miss you