Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Alice at 4 Months

Alice is exactly 4 months old today and she had a well visit with her Doc. She was 16.5 pounds and 25.5 inches tall (or long?) and she was sitting around the 95th percentile for both categories. I really doubt that will last but we’ll see.

Alice is such a sweetheart. She smiles and giggles on demand and has a very easy going temperament. In her free time she enjoys a good baby toy or a game of peek-a-boo. When she just wants to veg out she likes to sit in her bumbo and watch Norah. With our recent nice weather she has taken up strolling and finds it very relaxing.

I love this crooked smile. It is usually accompanied with a little giggle


I think I had just pulled her hand out of her mouth in this picture


But it was spring-loaded so it went right back in



jo said...

Spring loaded! I just may have to start using that phrase to describe a certain favorite thumb in our house.

Your Alice is so darling cute. You can tell she's easy going even in these photos!

Happy four months, Alice!

Ashley said...


ganelle said...

Love the spring loaded comment! As you saw, my little guy was all about his thumb - for the last six years! It was so endearing...