Sunday, December 11, 2011

Branch Christmas Party

Friday was our Branch Christmas Party and we had a great time. My mom stayed home with Alice so we could focus on Norah and enjoy talking to friends. Norah loved running around the gym with her pals.IMG_8361IMG_8386And she enjoyed “playing baby Jesus” as Mary in the Nursery’s nativity
IMG_8375It was a little like herding cats, but darling none the less. Graham was Joseph, Ellie and baby Callie were angels, Drew and Ethan were sheep and J.J. was a shepherd.IMG_8381Norah and DadIMG_8383


Hillary and Jonathan said...

Whoa, look how big those kids are! That is so nice you guys got to take Norah by herself to the party, I'm sure she appreciated it.

Sara said...

I'm stealing some of your stage shots. They're awesome

jo said...

Norah's holiday dress is so cute.