Thursday, December 29, 2011

Alice’s Blessing

Bryan blessed Alice with his dad and Kimball on December 23rd at his parents home. IMG_8544Alice wore her Aunt Courtney’s blessing dressIMG_8553IMG_8563IMG_8573Ahhh, life with a big sister.IMG_8566Norah gave Alice lots of kisses once she realized how much attention she’d get for it. When we were done taking pictures of her with Alice she promptly pushed her off her lap. Fortunately we were all near by to catch Alice.IMG_8570Ashley, Matt and Louis came down for the blessing.IMG_2890Norah with Baby Louis. He is soooooo cute.IMG_2852


Ehales said...

Linds you look great! Love all the pictures. I can't wait to see Alice again...and see how she is next to Henry ha ha

Tahri and Kehau said...

Lindsey, you look so good! what the heck! Too funny about Norah pushing Alice off when she was done, Leila does that too. ha! The girls are soo cute! WE miss you guys.

Joe Vogel said...

You look fantastic, Lindsey!

Joe Vogel said...

Sorry, that was from me (Tiff), not Joe. I forgot to sign out of his account. :)