Monday, December 5, 2011

Alice at One Week



Alice is a sweet little baby at one week. She is sleeping and eating like a champ and as of Friday she was almost back to her birth weight. We all love to snuggle this sleepy baby and watch the funny faces she makes in her sleep. I wasn’t able to capture it in a picture, but Alice has a big dimple on her left cheek just like her Aunt Natalie and Great Grandma Hyer.


Hillary and Jonathan said...

Already almost back to her birth weight? Way to go, Alice (and Lindsey)!!

Tiffany said...

So sweet! I'm glad you had a better experience with Alice. :)

Sara said...

She is like tan and has great hair. I'll bring drew over when his cold is gone to introduce him to his future girlfriend.,great job on the birth weight!

Kari said...

I love the hair!

Crystal said...

Can't stand it. I just want to hold her so badly. :P