Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father’s Day Strawberry Picking

Yesterday we had a family outing to Grisamore Farm to see the farm animals and pick some berries for Father’s Day. While picking berries we heard a glowing recommendation for Scoops – an ice cream shack by the side of the road so we made a stop there on the way home and it was truly the best soft serve I’ve ever had. We picked lots of strawberries and enjoyed pancakes with strawberries for breakfast this morning and have an angel food cake with strawberries planned for tonight.



Hillary and Jonathan said...

Reminder to self: Don't put Lincoln in a shirt I care about when we go strawberry picking.

Ehales said...

Norah is seriously so adorable. Loved all the posts and wish we could spend a summer in Ithaca, looks like a whole different place! Hope you're feeling well, Think about you lots.

jo said...

berry picking isn't berry picking without getting juice all over your face, hands, and shirt. Well done, Norah!