Here are Norah's top 10 favorites:
1. Cheerios
2. Tofu Tikka Masala
3. Carrots and Potatoes from Kristof's Thai Green Curry
4. Garbanzo beans
5. String Cheese
6. Peeled Grapes
7. Bananas
8. Avocado
9. Sweet Potatoes
10. Stewed Tomatoes
The mom of one of our Alpha Phi's (Alex) came to visit this weekend and she brought Norah a present. She has a little business making sweat suits and such for high school athletic teams and she made an official hoodie for Norah. It is super soft too. Unfortunately, Bryan terrified Norah by talking to her with a headlamp on his forhead right as she received her present so she was unable to show her full appreciation.
Norah Screaming The back of the hoodie
Allison (Alex's roommate) and Norah with Alex's dad in the back
Allison trying to cheer Norah up
Alex (she is a cheerleader) and Norah