Sunday, December 13, 2009


Bryan usually dresses Norah for church while I'm getting ready. I came in and saw him tying Norah's bow like this. He is such an innovator. This is much more efficient than wresling with her.IMG_3251 After chruch I sat Norah down in the lazy boy for a second while I took off my coat. We have limited seating in our apartment - it is either the bed, the lazy boy or a small uncomfortable wooden chair - so when Bryan came in he made Norah scoot over and share the seat.



Benjamin & Shanae Lee said...

She is so cute! We hope your having fun in NY! We miss it and wish we could still be there, but having fun in Idaho.

cate said...

She may be sharing the chair with Bryan but it is clear by her throne stance who actually owns that seat:)

T.R. said...

What a good sport.