Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Fairy Garden

Our new house doesn't really have a yard - we have a shared courtyard and also a little fenced in garden out front. It was overgrown and had big ugly juniper bushes taking up all the space so yesterday my parents came and tidied it up and pulled out the juniper bushes for me. It was very nice of them and I'm so happy to have those juniper bushes gone! I've been thinking about helping the girls make a fairy garden for a while and this morning I looked out at our freshly weeded garden and felt like today was the day! We went to Goodwill to pick up a few odds and ends to make fairy cottages and then when we came back my parents were there to help again. The girls were very creative and did this almost entirely on their own but we couldn't have done it without my parents keeping Freya (Godzilla as Norah and Alice sometimes call her) at bay. IMG_0880 IMG_0887 IMG_0893 IMG_0899 IMG_0908

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