Monday, July 13, 2015

Little Forest Hills 4th of July Parade

This year we celebrated the 4th by watching the Little Forest Hills Parade. We got there 15 minutes early which was more than necessary and left us plenty of time to take some pictures.IMG_2047IMG_2064 We watched the parade with our next door neighborsIMG_2070IMG_2074It was a nice parade with a great neighborhood feel. It was just about 15 mintues long but had all the essentials: a firetruck with the fire fighters throwing candy, musicians, kids riding bikes, and few funny floats. After the parade the neighborhood gathered at Casa Linda Park for watermelon and apple pie. Is there anything more American?IMG_2101I think Bryan looks very handsome in this pictureIMG_2099 Norah and Alice waited patiently for balloon animalsIMG_2119During the parade Dean specifically requested to have his picture taken with the bumble beeIMG_2123The highlight of the celebration was the dance performance by “the dazzlers”IMG_2126  Norah with an 89 year old tap dancer!IMG_2129 After Freya took a nice long nap, we went for a ride on the M-line TrolleyIMG_2138 And stopped for Shakes at the Highland Park Soda fountain which is over 100 years oldIMG_2149


Becky Vinchur said...

What a fun way to celebrate!

Ehales said...

I love your long hair Lindsey! You look beautiful.

Ashley said...

I can't believe how color coordinated you all are!