I’m fake dating this post for end of February and but really this it is a month overdue. Looking over my pictures (unfortunately all from my phone) I can see that Freya has visibly changed a lot since end of February. I regret not taking some quality pictures of her rolls of fat because I think she already reached her peak chubbiness and may have lost of few of her rolls due to her extensive army crawling workouts. I do at least have this picture from her 6 month appt on Jan 30th: and these shots from Feb 5th:
I must have been putting her in jammies and paused to admire her physique because this pic is a min later
Feb 11: We had very warm weather the first half of the month and I was very excited to dress Freya in Alice’s pink railroad romper. I feel very sentimental when I get to reuse baby clothes from Norah or Alice. It seems like Freya has mostly worn Norah’s hand-me-downs and it was fun to be able to tell Alice that this outfit was hers. Freya has already out-grown it.
Feb 7: at Chicken Scratch with Harper and Willa
Feb 16: Freya had her first taste of ice cream. I naively thought I could eat my cone while holding her but she has a surprisingly strong grip. I had a hard time getting my cone back from her.
Feb 17th: I take Alice and Freya to storytime once a week and we often see Brooke and Oliver there. Brooke is so sweet to Freya – she is holding her in these pictures Notice Sophie giraffe by Freya’s feet in the above pic – Sophie is Freya’s favorite toy
Feb 20th: At some point in February Freya really started to move. She started out pretty slow but she was determined and given enough time she could crawl all the way to the playroom from the family room. First, a picture of sweet, sweaty Freya after nursing. Sigh
Crawling with pride from the family room!
1 comment:
This Freya series is cute. I like the first 3 the best.
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