Friday, October 31, 2014

Alice in October

Alice has been insisting on Potty training and is actually doing pretty well considering we really haven’t been supportive. When Norah potty trained we focused on it and knocked it out in a weekend. I just bought Alice a box of pull-ups and pretty much just said ok if you wanna go potty go. If not, I’ll change you and she’s been making great progress. I do reward her with treats but she’s very self motivated. Otherwise, all the notes on Alice from September still apply: She’s a total train wreck

It’s really strange going on outings to the zoo and arboretum with just Alice and Freya. I have a lot of flashbacks to when we first moved to Dallas and Norah had just turned 3 and Alice was just 6 months old. It’s like I’m right back at that stage of life again. I think I remember Norah being a train wreck around that age too. But it sure is fun getting to see these little ones explore the world. Everything is new and watching them discover is a joy in rediscovery for me.


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