We had parent teacher conferences for Norah this month and her teacher was very happy with Norah. Norah asked to participate in her school’s Family Literacy Night. She recited a quote from Helen Keller “Reading is the only therapy a person needs sometimes.” When she gets home from school she likes to change into a princess dress up and color. Norah says funny things all the time but I’m terrible about writing them down! Yesterday she asked Bryan to set an alarm for her so she could get up as soon as it was morning.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Norah in October
Alice in October
Alice has been insisting on Potty training and is actually doing pretty well considering we really haven’t been supportive. When Norah potty trained we focused on it and knocked it out in a weekend. I just bought Alice a box of pull-ups and pretty much just said ok if you wanna go potty go. If not, I’ll change you and she’s been making great progress. I do reward her with treats but she’s very self motivated. Otherwise, all the notes on Alice from September still apply: She’s a total train wreck
It’s really strange going on outings to the zoo and arboretum with just Alice and Freya. I have a lot of flashbacks to when we first moved to Dallas and Norah had just turned 3 and Alice was just 6 months old. It’s like I’m right back at that stage of life again. I think I remember Norah being a train wreck around that age too. But it sure is fun getting to see these little ones explore the world. Everything is new and watching them discover is a joy in rediscovery for me.
Freya at 3 Months
Freya is smiling and babbling more and more. Sye enjoys having one on one “conversations.” She’s still a remarkably calm baby and an excellent sleeper. We still swaddle her at night but she’s getting so big it’s becoming a challenge. Freya can’t stay awake in the ergo carrier and still dislikes her car seat. She’s starting to reach for and grasp toys.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
State Fair
This was our 3rd year going to the Texas State Fair. The last two years Bryan has managed to take a day off work so that we could go on a quiet Thursday but this year the only chance we had to go was a Friday evening and the same day as the Texas-Oklahoma game at the Cotton Bowl. Yikes! So we took the train. It was a bit complicated as we had one transfer but it turned out to be highlight of the night. The girls thought it was a great adventure.
Waiting with anticipation for the second train
We dressed Freya up in this cute little dress from Mimi for the occasion.
By the time we actually made it to the fair most of the shows had ended but we did get to see the puppet show “World On a String” and enjoy some burgers while listening to live music by the Kildares. Norah and Alice seemed perfectly content to just dance to the music and head home as long as they could have some cotton candy.
I’m still amazed at how hot it is at the state fair. I think it is 10 degrees hotter at Fair Park somehow. The first year I wore jeans, last year I wore capris, this year I wore shorts and I was still hot. October is still summer in Texas!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Freya’s Comfy Clothes
I never blogged these pictures from October 1st. Freya already looks different to me – I think her cheeks are chubbier now if that’s even possible. I just love these bike jammies because they are so snugly. Sometimes I think Freya is telling me she wants to be in really comfy clothes and put her in these.