Sunday, July 27, 2014

Big Sisters Visit Freya

Norah and Alice visited us at the birth center just a few hours after Freya was born. I could hear them coming up the stairs talking excitedly about the baby. Alice kept asking “where baby? where baby?” “Baby come out mama’s tummy” in her cute little voice and I was just overwhelmed with joy. I had been feeling disappointed about how Freya’s birth went but those emotions were replaced by pure joy and gratitude for my perfect life once I had all three of my little girls around me. Norah and Alice were so genuinely thrilled to welcome Freya to our family. Alice had drawn me a picture and Norah had made me a paper fan and they both just gushed over their new little sister.

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1 comment:

Ehales said...

Freya is a doll and these pictures are the sweetest thing!