Thursday, June 12, 2014

I turned 30!

I had a wonderful birthday this year. The entire week around my birthday as wonderful. Four close friends planned a baby celebration for me at the Rise and it was a perfect evening. I was incredibly touched by their thoughtfulness and it was great getting some quality girl time in before the baby comes. My friend Brooke decorated our table with vases of pink peonies that we each got to take home and Jami, Brooke, Erin and Carin each gave me one of their favorite picture books for the baby. We talked away the evening until the restaurant closed. My actual birthday was lovely too. Norah and Alice were both so excited for me that they came in my room as soon as they woke up to say Happy birthday. Norah put one of her Tiara’s on my head since I was the birthday girl and they both spent the day drawing pictures for me and taping them to my door. The three of us had a great time making a cake together and celebrated when Bryan got home from work.IMG_9942

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