Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Eve Eve

Since we were flying to Denver for Christmas we had a practice run of Christmas morning before we left and opened presents from Bryan’s parents. IMG_3493 Bryan’s mom once told me “I like to get people what they want to get for Christmas AND what I want to get them for Christmas” and it is very true. We always get just what we asked for plus some very thoughtful surprises. I’m amazed at how often what Susan wants us to want turns out to be what really wanted most of all and just didn’t even know it! This year I think Susan deserves an award for sending Alice a cowgirl hat and Norah a pair of cowgirl boots. IMG_3494 While she was in town for Thanksgiving she witnessed the girls fighting over Norah’s cowgirl hat and Norah bemoaning that her cowgirl boots now fit Alice instead of her. It never occurred to me to ask for another hat and set of boots but they were just what we needed. In this picture Norah is trying out her new leotard and ballet slippers while Alice tries out her new scooter.IMG_3511 Norah showcasing her new outfit and bootsIMG_3512 I think I caught Alice mid sneeze in her cute (homemade by Susan) Red Riding hood capeIMG_3499