Saturday, July 28, 2012

Alice is 8 months old today

My cute as can be Alice waved to me today. I think Norah had just ran past her out of the kitchen and Alice was busy trekking after her when she heard me walk in from the garage. She sat up, turned around and waved. It was a deliberate, unmistakable wave and I was so surprised and flattered that I got very excited and then she got excited and laughed and we just had a moment together. One of those, I feel like my life is a movie moments.

Norah went to bed a little before her tonight and we were able to have some rare, quality, 2 parents focused on Alice time in which we tried to get her to wave to us over and over again so we could film it. She waved several more times but we just couldn't manage to record it.  We'll keep trying.

I am always feeling bad I have not documented Alice's babyhood as well as I did with Norah. I wanted to post some pictures of her but I've been up late working on a talk and I really need to sleep so this will just have to do. One more quick Alice story - yesterday I was in a vacuum shop and she was crawling around on the super soft (and freshly vacuumed) carpet and she actually drew a crowd! Five women (I think they were together, but still) stopped to look, smile and wave to her. Maybe that's where she picked up the wave.


Hillary and Jonathan said...

It's so hard to document #2 as well as we did #1 and I also feel guilty about it, but I'm confident when the baby books are done they'll never know the difference. We will just end up not having as many left over pictures.

Elliot said...

Henry does not understand the wave. I bet Alice is just darling! When you are able to get pics, don't forget to post. We miss you guys

Stacy said...

So cute! I miss those chunky legs of hers! Though now Im sure she is thinning out with all that waving and crawling she is doing! Miss you guys lots!