Saturday, April 21, 2012

Alice tries applesauce

Lately I’ve noticed (imagined) a longing in Alice’s eyes when I eat. She reaches for whatever I’m eating (she reaches for everything within reach) and tonight I decided to indulge her in some applesauce. This wasn’t her first food, but it was her first food from a responsible adult and I think she was quite surprised when she tasted it. IMG_9516IMG_9513Her first experience with food was a week or two ago with Norah. I was in the kitchen doing dishes when I heard Norah say “Mama I’m feeding Alice.” I thought she was pretending to feed Alice with her toy baby bottle or something but when I came in to have a look Alice had peanut butter all over her mouth and Norah was busy getting another finger full of peanut butter to feed her (I had given Norah apple slices and peanut butter for a snack earlier). I wish I had taken a picture of Alice after her first encounter with food because she LOVED it. She was all smiles for that peanut butter. I however was too busy wiping it off and googling how many hours she had left to live to think of taking a picture. She never had an allergic reaction though so I guess we don’t have to worry about peanut allergies – we just have to worry about ever leaving her alone with Norah.


Ehales said...

This just makes me laugh. And I wouldn't expect anything else from Alice but to sit and smile and be happy. p.s. I like your hair

Sara said...

Your hair looks AWESOME! AHHHH! I couldn't read fast enough to figure out how you saved Alice!! Glad she doesn't have any peanut allergies! hahahaha Norah is so kind to share with her little sis.

Kari said...

Aren't big sisters great? Glad she didn't react to the peanut butter!

Tahri and Kehau said...

Oh man Leila and Tale ALWAYS want to feed Tylana too!!!! And of course Tylana wants to eat everything they eat too, oh it is so scary!!! Leila is so cute though when she does feed her, she like wipes her mouth with the spoon to like I do when food gets on it. So cute! But yeah you gotta keep an eye on them. Leila tried giving her a piece of her hot dog one day. I was freaking because she was trying to choke it up. And finally she did. Poor girl, but she reached for it again. hahah

Hillary and Jonathan said...

I'm so glad only responsible adults are feeding Alice now!

Ashley said...

I remembering reading somewhere that peanut butter can actually be a good early food (as long as there is no family history of allergies). Still, it's probably best to stick to bananas and sweet potatoes.

Ashley said...

P.S. Alice looks great in yellow!