Yep – these pictures are from today.
Our poor trees
Alice got to wear this snowsuit after all
Norah and Graham had a good natured snowball fight and then made (watched Lindsey M.) a snowman complete with a carrot nose (snowman not pictured).
Lately I’ve noticed (imagined) a longing in Alice’s eyes when I eat. She reaches for whatever I’m eating (she reaches for everything within reach) and tonight I decided to indulge her in some applesauce. This wasn’t her first food, but it was her first food from a responsible adult and I think she was quite surprised when she tasted it. Her first experience with food was a week or two ago with Norah. I was in the kitchen doing dishes when I heard Norah say “Mama I’m feeding Alice.” I thought she was pretending to feed Alice with her toy baby bottle or something but when I came in to have a look Alice had peanut butter all over her mouth and Norah was busy getting another finger full of peanut butter to feed her (I had given Norah apple slices and peanut butter for a snack earlier). I wish I had taken a picture of Alice after her first encounter with food because she LOVED it. She was all smiles for that peanut butter. I however was too busy wiping it off and googling how many hours she had left to live to think of taking a picture. She never had an allergic reaction though so I guess we don’t have to worry about peanut allergies – we just have to worry about ever leaving her alone with Norah.
Bryan had a conference to attend in NYC this weekend so us girls decided to tag along. Friday we took a walk along the High Line with my cousin David who is in dental school at Columbia but sadly we didn’t get any photos. We were too busy catching I guess – it had been 4 years since we had seen him! I spent Saturday morning with Christy in Central Park.
Christy was kind enough to carry Alice around and Alice was kind enough to sleep most of the day without complaint. Notice that I’m holding Norah’s shoes here because she refused to wear them.
Norah threw pennies into the fountain
We got Norah a hot dog at the Loeb Boathouse and then I went rowing with her. I was so grateful to Christy to facilitate that. I really needed some quality one on one time with Norah.
Later we grabbed some frozen yogurt and did a little shopping before we met up with Bryan. In the evening we went up to Harlem to have dinner with a really close friend of ours from BYU – Bronson. We hadn’t seen Bronson since before Norah was born so it was great to see him again and meet his wife. We would have taken pictures then but we were a train wreck by that point. Norah had lost a shoe, Alice was screaming her head off and we had to leave our hotel because of a flooded toilet (well that, and because I had to stick it to them after they chose to be completely unreasonable). As great as it was to see the Argyles, we really owe them a dinner next time without the kids;) When we came back from dinner Alice was truly at the end of her baby rope. She took us back to our sleep training Norah days. Christy took her into her bedroom and put on some MO-tab and just let her scream until she could scream anymore. Literally. Christy said Alice was still trying but nothing was coming out and then she just conked out. Poor baby. Nothing a good night’s sleep couldn’t cure though. We woke up to a wonderful Easter brunch a la Jace and it was such a gorgeous Easter Sunday there was nothing to do but head to Central Park. Well first we had to hunt for a store that was open and selling shoes – hence Norah’s orange crocs – which you see Bryan carrying for her in this picture.
Here is Norah trying to conceal some tic tacs she stole from the Clegg’s
Norah and Christy watching a street performer in the children’s area of the park
We really enjoyed our Sunday in the park and it makes me sad to think that it might be years before we make it back to NYC again.