Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cayuga Nature Center

Norah and I had a play date this past Wednesday with two of my former coworkers from IHS and their kids. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun.

IMG_7614This nature center has a six story tree house that was built in a community effort. It is super cool. I don’t think Norah is old enough to fully appreciate its awesomeness but we’ll be back when she is 3 for sure.IMG_7619 We also enjoyed spotting butterflies and caterpillars in the butterfly houseIMG_7624IMG_7627


Kari said...

We need to come and visit you guys! Are you free this week? Thursday, Friday maybe?

Lindsey said...

i have made multiple attempts to go to the nature center but never actually made it. i think that graham would love the treehouse. we should definitely plan a trip when we get back. we are so excited to see you guys. graham told us just a few days a go that norah is his favorite friend, i can't wait to get these kiddos back together!